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Saturday, 20 June 2015

10 Good-to-know uses for Epsom Salts around the house - The Creek Line House

If you’ve been reading along with me for awhile, then you probably know that I kind of have a thing for finding new, helpful uses for basic supplies we all have around the house. I love it. I usually share these ideas just basically as they pop into my head, with no rhyme or reason to it. Totally out-of-the-blue and just because, just as a blog post should be. :)

If you have pets or children or people living in your house and have carpet, then you know it can get a bit ripe... as in stanky. Here is my method for how to freshen carpet - Naturally!

If you have pets or children or human people living in your house and have carpet, then you know it can get a bit ripe… as in stanky.  Sometimes, I just want to rip up all the carpet and toss in the yard for the birds to pick at and carry away!

How to actually use all of those different attachments that came with your vacuum cleaner to make it work better for you! It's really worth hauling them out of the back of the closet and putting them to work!

What do you usually do with all of those gizmos and doodads that come with your vacuum?
If you’re anything like how I was, then you probably just toss them into the back of a closet or a cupboard and leave them there, thinking you don’t have time for figuring them out. Back in my dark days of trying to ignore that the vacuum even existed, I would only ever use the big main motorized attachment if I actually hauled it out and used it at all.

Pop on over now to check out these quick, easy and INEXPENSIVE Dollar Store Bandana Pillows! Add a pop of color to any room in your house!!

When you hear "bandana" what pops into mind? 
This guy?
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How to Clean Your Floors: Believe it or not, there's a right way to mop! - The Creek Line House

Mopping. Not really the most exciting subject matter. This is, until you find yourself the proud owner of floors that just don’t seem to come clean or that always look a bit lackluster. They can make your whole house feel icky and if you’re like most people, then you probably never really put much thought into whether you’re really mopping them correctly or not.
